
Holiday Health

Throwing parties, cleaning, shopping, cooking, hosting friends and family, attending events for work, school, clubs and churches… the holidays are a busy time. While some people thrive on the festivities, others may feel overwhelmed and exhausted. During this bustle of activity, it’s important to prioritize your health and destress when you can. Here are a few pointers for getting through the holiday season.

Listen to Your Body.

Do you have less energy and motivation? Are you suffering from headaches or an upset stomach? Have you lost your appetite or gained one that is overactive? You may have signs of stress, burnout or depression. These are signals to stop and assess your health. Check in with your therapist or counselor, if you have one.

Take Some Breaks.

When you have spare minutes, use them to recharge your mind and body. Take a nap; watch a comedy or feel-good movie; snuggle up with a good book.

Respect Your Boundaries and Limitations.

It’s OK to turn down an invitation if your calendar if overloaded. It’s also alright to turn down an invitation if the circumstances or co-attendees will induce stress.

Plan Your Spending.

Before diving into holiday shopping, make a budget and stick to it.

Make Reasonable Resolutions.

Break down your New Year’s resolution into tiny steps, rather than tackling a grand goal in a giant leap. Change can be gradual. It takes time to adjust to new habits. 

We wish you a healthy and happy holiday season! 

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